Computers in education (3° ed )

Sommaire de Computers in education (3° ed )

Preface. 1. The Impact of Computers in Education. Example Applications. Writing to Read Computers and Digital Model trains Computer- based Manipulatives Science Simulations The National Geographic Kids Network Montevidisco Music: An Appreciation. Research Results on the Effects of Computer-based Instruction. Types of Educational Applications. Tutor Applications Tool Applications Tutee Applications. Categories of Learning Outcomes. Intellectual Skills Problem Solving Verbal Information Motor Skills Attitudes. Summary. Exercises. References. 2. Computer Hardware. The Computer System. Input Processing Output. Hardware Evaluation. Summary. Exercises. 3. History of Computers in Education. Historical Roots. Who Was First? Later Developments Acceptance by Society Size Categories. Major CBE Efforts. PLATO TICCIT WICAT MECC CONDUIT. Other Computer-based Education Efforts. Patrick Suppes, Stanford University Harold E. Mitzel, Pennsylvania State University Seymour Papert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Steven Hunka, University of Alberta Alfred Bork, University of California Dartmouth College Chicago Title I Schools Ohio State University The Military. Level of Use in the Schools. Summary. Exercises. References. 4. Drill and Practice and Tutorial Applications. Drill-and-Practice Applications. Simple Drill and Practice Strategy Sophisticated Drill and Practice Strategy Example Drill and Practice Computer Software Using Drill and Practice Programs in the Classroom. Tutorial Applications. Events of Instruction Guidelines for the Development and Selection of Tutorial Applications The TICCIT Learner-Control System Computer- Controlled Adaptive Systems Using Tutorial Programs in the Classroom. Summary. Exercises. References. 5. Problem-Solving, Simulations, and Games. Problem-Solving. Definition Parts and Approaches The Value of Problem-Solving Software Classification of Problem-Solving Software. Simulations. Fidelity Component Parts The Value of Simulations Static and Interactive Simulations Examples of Computer Simulations. Games. Attributes of Games Motivational Attributes. Selecting and Using Applications in the Classroom. Summary. Exercises. References. 6. Software Evaluation. Instructional Criteria. Presentation Criteria. Screen Format Navigation Ease of Use Interaction. The Curriculum Factor. Evaluation Method. Summary. Exercises. References. Software Evaluation Checklist. 7. Tool Applications. Word Processing. Basic Features of a Word Processor Other Word Processing Features Hardware and Software Issues Instructional Applications. Database Management. Special-purpose Database Programs General-purpose Database Programs Instructional, Applications. Spreadsheets. Instructional Applications. Graphics. Charting Graphics Drawing Graphics Painting Graphics. Desktop Publishing. Desktop Presentations. Tool Integration. Summary. Exercises. References. 8. Multimedia. Hypermedia. How Information is Represented by Computers. Types of Media Elements. Text Graphics Sound Animation Motion Video. Hypermedia Hardware. Compact Disc (CD) Videodisc vs. CD-ROM. Multimedia Applications. Videodisc Applications CD-ROM Applications Using Hypermedia Applications in the Classroom. Summary. Exercises. References. 9. Networks and Telecommunication. Classroom or Laboratory Networks. Print Server File Server Application Server Communication Server. Electronic Mail. Remote Networks. Internet. Internet Addressing Internet Resources. Public Information Services. Integrated Learning Systems (ILS). Terminal Emulation. The Location of Computer Resources. The Classroom The Computer Laboratory. Telecommunication in the Classroom of Tomorrow. Exercises. References. 10. Computer-Managed Instruction. Computer Grade Book. Test Scoring. Test Generation. Terminal-based CMI. Sophisticated CMI Systems. Summary. Exercises. References. 11. The Computer as Tutee. Programming Languages. Machine Language Assembly Language High-level Languages. Major Programming Components. Output Input Processing Summary. Multimedi. Hypermedia Authoring Systems. Card-based Authoring Systems Icon-based Authoring Systems Other Authoring Tools. Integrating Computer Programming and Authoring into the Curriculum. Summary. Exercises. References. 12. Curriculum Integration: Reading and the Language Arts. Why Integrate Technology into Classroom Curricula? Use Computers Where They Best Fit. Organizing Resources to Promote Integration. Organizing for Curriculum Integration. Organization of Integration Chapters. Reading and the Language Arts. Enhancing Writing by Using Word Processing Using Other Software to Develop Writing Skills Using Telecommunications to Improve Writing Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation Reading. Summary. Exercises. Reading and Language Arts References. Software References. 13. Curriculum Integration: Social Science, Science and Mathematics. Social Science. Word Processing and Desktop Publishing Databases Spreadsheets Telecommunications Multimedia and Social Studies Social Science Simulations Educational Games Specialized Software Useful in the Social Sciences Summary. Science. Information Collection Information Structuring and Restructuring Tools Information Reporting Tools Simulation Software Conclusions and Summary. Mathematics. Computer-assisted Instruction Computer-based Math Manipulatives Problem Solving Tool Applications Summary. Exercises. Social Science Science. References. Social Science References Social Science Software References Telecommunication References Science References Science Software References Math References Math Software References. 14. Curriculum Integration: Meeting Diverse Needs. General Trends: Technology and Special Education. Inclusion and Technology. Hearing Impaired Students. Visually Impaired. Severely Disabled and Physically Challenged. Learning Disabled. Gifted and Talented. English as a Second Language (ESL) or English Language Development (ELD). Word Processing and English Language Development Multimedia and English Language Development Students Telecommunications and ELD Students. Exercises. References. Software. Assistive Equipment Manufacturers. Augmentative Communication Manufacturers. 15. Issues in Educational Computing. Ethical Issues. Equal Access. Legal Issues. Computer Crime Hackers

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