YouTube - How to Upload Your Video

If you think about it, there were almost no videos on the internet before YouTube came in the picture. Now millions of videos are uploaded to YouTube every day, and regular people like you and me are using it as a channel to express their opinions, views and feelings.
Uploading videos on YouTube is fairly simple. But first you need to create your YouTube account. Go to and search in the upper right corner of the website, you will find a link named "create account", follow the instructions and you will create your account. After this you will get a new email from YouTube to the email you used to create your account asking you to confirm that you created an account using that email address, follow the instructions and click the link, it will take you back to YouTube where you will be logged in.
Now that you are logged in, you can find a link in the upper right region of the website named "Upload" click it and it will take you to a page where you can upload your video. There will be a big yellow button with the text "Upload video", click it and you will be given the option to select a file from your hard drive, browse trough your computer and find your video and click open.
The video will start uploading to YouTube, while this is happening you have the option to choose your title, description, category and tags. You also need to choose if you want the video to be public, private or unlisted. Public videos are available for anyone and are listed in the YouTube search engine, private videos are only available for you and for users that you give special permission to see the video and unlisted videos are videos that don't appear in the search results in YouTube and can be accessed only trough the special URL for the video (really handy way to share your video only with your close friends)
After the video is uploaded, YouTube needs to process it, this process involves checking for copyright and converting the video in different formats and qualities so it can be accessed from slow and fast connections and from mobile phones.
When the processing is complete, usually takes 5-10 minutes, your video is officially on YouTube.
However you might have problems with your uploads if your video is in unsupported formats or contains copyrighted material (usually copyrighted music).
For now YouTube supports these extensions:
  • .MPEG4
  • .3GP
  • .MOV
  • .AVI
  • .WMV
  • .FLV
If your video is in a different format you will have to convert it to one of those formats and then upload it to YouTube.
Converting videos from one format to another was tricky few years earlier when you couldn't find a decent free converter service, However these days there are many online services like convert that can do this for free.
The next step you can take after uploading your video is to make sure it gets more YouTube views or you can learn how to get more subscribers on YouTube

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